Cold (low 40's) and late (9 am) start this morning but a very pleasant low rolling and short (60 mi) route. We passed north of Houston through the Sam Houston National Forest. Just as we by-passed San Antonio one was completely unaware of the close proximity of a major metropolitan area. The terrain has now turned to pine forest and the first bayou. It all reminds me of Eastern NC and Georgia. We saw azaleas and wisteria in bloom as well as a dogwood. All quite a contrast to the desert of Far West Texas and the chaparral of the Hill Country. We are now below 100 ft above sea level.
Russell Cushman came and spoke to us at the Mexican Hill Ranch about his career as an artist and local historian. He was the sculptor of the Texad Ranger Frank Hammer statue in Novasota.
We had two sweet stops along the way today. First for pie and coffee in New Waverly and then burgers and shakes for lunch at The Hop in Coldspring. One more bluebonnet sighting:
Then it was on to our overnight camp site at the Shephard Sanctuary. Check this out:
Another sign that we are still in Texas:
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