Saturday, February 20, 2016- 40 miles
Wow, this is it! The start was cool and damp and began with a bridge crossing using a well protected and separated bike path over the St John's River and then onto newly paved paths that paralleled another busy highway. Bill P joined me East of the bridge and we rode out together for about 10 miles. Bill turned back to retrieve his car and provide valuable scouting support. I continued on the path until it came to an abrupt end and forced me to cross the highway and use the shoulder beside speeding traffic. Respite came quickly after two quick stops to confirm with locals that I was headed in the right direction. Thanks to Bubba the route turned out onto quiet rural lanes and ended up at historic St Ambrose Catholic Church. Here are just a few pictures:

Bill phoned while I was enjoying the setting and confirmed where we were to meet along FL-207. As I departed I came upon an organized and supported group of 100+/- colorful cyclists out for a Saturday ride in the country. Lots of greetings and good cheer. I found Bill after coming across a motor cycle event and using another link in the bicycle path. Bill pointed down the path and mentioned that I would be turning soon to remain on Bubba's route. Unfortunately I misunderstood the instructions, passed the turn and ended up at a dead-end confronting active railroad tracks. Never wanting to turn back, I proceeded by walking my bike ahead about 100 yards to a dirt path leading to a driveway. That led me back out to FL-207. No problem. I just proceeded and after a quick check on the iPhone map found a direct route to St Augustine Beach, of course, after a stop for iced coffee and a bear claw at a Panera. The chosen route resulted in a miss of downtown St Augustine and a ride over the Bridge of Lions but after another phone call Bill and I agreed to meet at the designated Hampton Inn end point.
And onto the beach for a few commemorative pictures followed by a celebratory lunch before driving back to Atlanta in 6 hours. 800 miles of driving for 200 miles of cycling in 4 days.

The journey could not have been accomplished without encouragement and support from so many friends and family. Nan kept reminding me of this ambition and came along last year. Sam, David, Phill, Vern and the Chain Gang and Charlie, Johnny and the King Biking Group accompanied me on multiple training rides. Bill P was there this year with scouting reports and the confidence that I could complete the journey. And, of course, I cannot say enough good things about Bubba; the Wolfpack that did all the heavy lifting; Anne and Serge who fed us so well; Ed, Joyce, Greg, Gary, Happy Hans, Larry, Chandler, Gayle and Roger who were there with good words, shade, support and snacks along the way; and most especially Rose, John, Hargy, Stretch, Jim and all the 2014 riders who became lifelong friends and companions along a remarkable bicycle odyssey.
Thanks is not enough to express my appreciation for all that everyone gave so that the journey could be completed.