There will, no doubt, be many fellow riders, members of Bubba's support staff and others yet unknown to thank for their support along the upcoming rides. The regular email messages containing the many details of the ride from Bubba and other riders, aka Coasters, have fueled my desire to get going. In the meantime I would like to acknowledge a few of the many folks who have helped and encouraged me as I prepared for the ride.
In my last post I reported on the many tasks undertaken by Mike and Rita to overhaul and tune my bike. It is amazing how good it feels to ride a smooth running machine. Wow! And they have suggested one final tune up before I depart for California at the end of the month.
My biking buddies, Sam, David and Phill, have regularly commented that they think that I am ready and capable of doing this ride. It's OK if they are not being entirely honest, I appreciate the positive reinforcement. Bill and Charlie, the leaders of the King Biking Group, and Vern and his Chain Gang have consistently helped me with suggestions learned from their cross country rides. The other riders from these two groups have also been encouraging and have made many useful suggestions.

The medical support (primary care, surgeon, dermatology and orthopedic) has been outstanding in getting my body ready to be outdoors everyday for two months.
My family, daughters Catherine and Emily, sisters Anne, Alison and Kate, and most importantly wife Nan, have been telling me all along that I can do this. I would not have signed up for this ride without Nan's insistence that I undertake this once in a lifetime adventure.
And there is my distant cousin Shelley who has agreed to host a visit in Southern California prior to the departure from San Diego.
Many thanks! I could not have gotten this far without each of you.